Shamanic Practitioner Certification 

9 Month Training 2024-2025
One weekend per month November -June

Take the Next Step On Your Sacred Path 

This unique healer training program is a comprehensive and integrative approach to well-being and healing. With a focus on Peruvian shamanism it incorporates elements from modern science, Ayurveda, Chinese medicine, and holistic practices to address physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of an individual's health. As a holistic training yoga and tai chi are incorporated as way to attune our body and heart resonance and create and expansive and symmetric luminous field.  

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Ray & Nina Crist 
The visionary souls behind The Jaguar Path. 

In the mystical realm where Shamanism, Yoga, and
Tai Chi converge wondrous odysseys await. Rooted
in The Jaguar Path lies the revelation of shamanism's
timeless potency in our modern era.

Together we’ll unfurl a spiritual voyage that
harmonizes with the rhythm of your daily existence.
Shedding light on how shamanic traditions can imbue
our lives with depth, we offer a compass to navigate
the intricacies of our reality with lucidity and intent.
Ready to Transform?
Program at-a-glance

To travel the path of the Jaguar is to feel forever empowered to step into your healing. On this 9-month journey you will;

Learn the powerful healing techniques of the
Andean Shamans.

Become a beacon of personal power and liberation.

Gain a deep sense of direction, clarity, self-
confidence, and heightened awareness.

Practice gentle Yoga and Tai Chi to support you for deep healing work.

Becoming a holistic healer capable of offering
shamanic healing sessions with ease and confidence. 


For the very first time a unique offer
Limited to  the month of July - 30% Discount
$4,800 Now ONLY $3,360 - SAVE $1,440 
Exp 7/30

Register now 

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Learn More
  • Jaguar Path

    “I am especially grateful for the ritual aspects of the training because I feel ceremony is critical for bringing us in touch with the domain of the sacred. Perhaps most important for me so far has been the opening of sacred space which I do almost daily. Thank you for enriching my spiritual life in so many ways and for putting me in touch with the Earth wisdom of the Q’eros. Thank you from my heart!”

    Author, Ph.D., Co-Founder of A Rain of Blessings Yoga School

  • Jaguar Path

    ““This training has changed my life and opened me up to ideas and ways I never knew existed. Thank You Both so much for the work that you are doing! This helped me so much with understanding myself and others!! Overall this program introduced me to an innate healing power that we all have and reinforced my beliefs about money, Love, and healing!!! Best training I've taken so I'll do it again and again!!! I Love you both!!””

    Educator and Holistic Healer

  • Jaguar Path

    “The tools I’ve learned during the 9-month training have all been special to me. They have allowed me to dive into my past so I could say goodbye and let go of what’s not needed. The tools have all supported me in knowing that I have support from the animals, plants, guides, ancestors, earth, sun, and moon. I am ready to share a few of my favorite tools that unlocked superpowers I never knew I had, and sharpened my already existing tools. Thank you Ray and Nina for being a bridge and teaching. ”

    Founder of Ayala Apothecary

  • Jaguar Path

    “I chose to take this training because after completing The Four Winds Society’s Energy Medicine Course I realized that my inner healing was not complete and instead of repeating the same material with the same teachers I felt it would be beneficial to receive training from another school with a different perspective. I met Ray and Nina at Deva Premal & Miten’s Gayatri Gathering and made an immediate and strong connection. I discovered the two programs came from the same lineage I thought it would be a review of the same tools just from a different teacher, but I've found fundamental differences that are well-suited for me. Without going into detail about the differences, I'll just say the Jaguar Path protocols and methodologies put more control and emphasis in the client's hands, where the healing actually lies. Ray and Nina, I have so much love and gratitude for you both. Your degree of professionalism, attention to detail, and love for your students and each other sets you apart from other teachers I’ve had. You make serious work fun. You make nine months go by very quickly:) I look forward to many more months and years of learning, expanding, and retreating together.”

    Healer, and Owner of Tea & Jam

  • Jaguar Path

    “I received an email from Deva and Miten with a link to the Jaguar Path and it strongly resonated with me. I have known that the black
    panther was my power animal for years. I have had many inner journeys that featured shamans across different centuries and varied cultures. The training allowed me to come fully into myself and discover more of the truth of who I truly am. I was susceptible to the crossed-eyed, rolling eyeballs of others
    even as I recognized what a precious gift I had been given. Now I wear the "shaman" like an old, comfortable pair of jeans, soft and supple, flowing with me. I stride unapologetically into the world of being who I am, neither shouting it out nor hiding it, simply being me and being of service.”

    Pampo Mesaiok Healer

  • Jaguar Path

    “Ray and Nina, I am super grateful for this nine-month journey we’ve been on together. I chose this training, or it chose me because I was following my intuition in wanting to learn more about shamanism. This training has been very meaningful. Especially the time we shared together! Being immersed in such a loving and safe container was very healing. I was able to let my guard down and to fully be myself. I felt as if we all already knew each other. Everyone felt like an old friend. Such a powerful and beautiful experience. I’m beyond grateful. Thank you!”

    Shaman Healer, and Yoga Teacher at The Yoga Casa

Energy Medicine and Peruvian Shamanism

Our program integrates energy medicine with Peruvian shamanism,
incorporating techniques for energy clearing, balancing, and healing.
These practices work with the spiritual realm to promote overall well-
being, drawing on ancient wisdom to enhance modern healing.


Modern Science

We incorporate evidence-based approaches and research from modern
science to support our healing techniques. This includes
understanding neuroscience, psychology, and other scientific fields to
enhance the effectiveness and credibility of our methods, ensuring a
well-rounded and scientifically sound approach to healing.

Ayurvedic Principles

Ayurveda, an ancient system of medicine from India, is central to our
program. It focuses on balancing the body, mind, and spirit. By
understanding personalized assessments of individuals' constitutions
(doshas) and using herbs, dietary recommendations, and lifestyle
practices, we promote health and balance in a holistic manner

The program includes:

9 live Live on Zoom Weekend practice sessions
Group sharing sessions
Member forum and private site
Session recordings
Mentorship and support
Interactive Q&A
Certificate of completion
A whole new approach to  life
A supportive community 

Nutrition to Support Your Healing and Vitality

Nutrition plays a fundamental role in overall well-being. Our program
emphasizes the importance of a balanced and nourishing diet to
support healing and promote vitality, ensuring that participants
understand the connection between diet and health.

Tai Chi and Yoga Practices

Tai Chi and yoga are integral parts of our program. These gentle, mind-
body practices promote relaxation, flexibility, and inner harmony.
Through movement, breath work, and mindfulness, participants
achieve physical and emotional well-being.

Trauma Recognition and Support

Recognizing and addressing trauma is crucial for holistic healing. Our
program takes a compassionate and supportive approach to healing
past wounds and promoting resilience, ensuring that participants
receive the care they need to overcome trauma.

Holistic Approach

Our program adopts a holistic approach, considering the whole person
—body, mind, and spirit. By addressing multiple aspects of an
individual's life and health, we create a comprehensive and well
rounded healing experience, ensuring that all dimensions of well-being
are nurtured and balanced.

Key Benefits

  • Unlock  18 powerful healing tools used by Andean Shamans for centuries; that empower you to offer shamanic healing sessions.
  • On a personal level it offers a deep sense of direction, clarity, self confidence, and a  heightened awareness.   
  • Enjoy the movement medicine of gentle Yoga / Tai Chi practice each day
  • Connect with and harness your energy (Qi/Chi/Prana/Life force/luminous field/aura/bio-field)
  • Set the stage for profound deep healing experiences
  • Evolve on all levels
  • Interactive Q&A during each monthly LIVE session
  • Live practice sessions with other students around the world
  • Group sharing sessions, you are not in this alone
  • Mentors on hand
  • Private forum and membership site - ask questions, replay sessions, connect with students. 
  • Each 9 months is a trip around the medicine wheel
  • Certificate of Completion
Pay in Full 10% Discount Training Dates & Curriculum Book a Free Discovery Call

Schedule a 1 :1 call with Ray and Nina  

Do you have questions about our upcoming program? Keen to gather all the details before taking the plunge into a transformative journey? We invite you to a Zoom Discovery Call with our teachers, Ray and Nina Crist, where all your questions will find answers. Here is what you can expect:

In-Depth Insights

 Dive into the intricacies of our program, explore the format and understand how the weekend sessions unfold.

Personalized Guidance

 Have specific concerns or inquiries? This call is your opportunity to receive personalized guidance and reassurance tailored to your unique journey.

Clarity for Your Decision

 Our aim is to provide you with the clarity you need to make an informed decision about joining a community of like-minded individuals on a transformative path.

Book a FREE 20 minute Discovery call


Here we answer your commonly asked questions about our training

Yes, many of our students attend the 9 month training for personal transformation. And after experiencing their own healing and learning the wisdom teachings of shamanism, many go on to launch energy medicine practices and a new career. Whatever your interest, this program provides the tools to experience truly life-changing, permanent transformation.

Absolutely! You do not need any previous experience in shamanism or energy medicine to enroll in the training. The only requisites are an open mind and an open heart. If you have a calling to serve, to make a difference, and to practice compassionate healing, this is the path for you.

Meeting on Zoom with Ray, Nina and the team!
One weekend a month 9:00 - 11:30 am & 1:00 - 4:00 pm EST 

Come and be part of our thriving community, join our live Zoom sessions where you can engage in group practices and connect with others in break-out rooms. This interactive experience allows you to ask questions and learn from shared experiences in real-time.

If you can't attend a live session, don't worry! All sessions will be recorded, and you can access them at your convenience. The recordings, along with handouts, practices, and other supportive resources, are available on our membership site.

Additionally, our community student forum provides a space for you to connect with other students, set up practice sessions to dive deeper into the inquiry of your studies. 

We welcome you to join us on this transformative journey of healing and self-discovery. Whether you participate live or through recorded sessions, our program provides a nurturing and supportive environment for your growth and well-being.
