On Demand Healing Sessions

Audio Meditations

Live from your center ┃Release stagnation and negativity ┃ Walk with your allies

Get comfortable and enjoy these pre-recorded audio meditations that you can enjoy whenever it is convenient for you.

Organ Cleanse Meditation Soul Retrieval Meeting Your Spirit Guide

Organ Cleanse Meditation 

Harmonize your internal energy with this organ cleansing visualization meditation.  Balance your emotions and feel a deep calm as you connect with this simple practice rooted in Taoism.  

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Shamanic Journey - Soul Retrieval 

Join Ray Crist for this guided shamanic soul retrieval journey.  Create comfortable space where you can lay down comfortably and enjoy uninterrupted sacred space.  

Purchase Digital Download

Shamanic Journey - Meeting an Ally

Join Ray Crist for this guided shamanic journey to meet your spirit guide.  Create comfortable space where you can lay down comfortably and enjoy uninterrupted sacred space.  

Purchase Digital Download

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