Shamanic Alchemy
April 28, 2024 9:00-11:30am  

Evolutionary Paths in Peruvian Shamanism

Embark on a transformative journey into the heart of Inca shamanism with Ray and Nina Crist.

Only $20.24
Register Now 



April 28, 2024  9:00-11:30 am

Shamanic Energy:
You will learn how shamans view the world of energy and what they call the Luminous Field. Balancing the luminous field allows us to balance our inner world as well as the outer world! 

Power Animal Journey:
Ray will take you on a journey to find your power animal and your spiritual ally! Through this journey, you can clarify your powers and act in a new way to accomplish all your dreams and take control of your life!  

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Is this training for me?

Aspiring Healers:
Individuals with a passion for healing and a desire to embark on a transformative journey within the realms of shamanic practices.

Healing Enthusiasts:
Those seeking to enhance their existing healing abilities and delve deeper into the profound world of shamanic healing sessions.

Explorers of Q'ero Nation Shamanic Practices:
Anyone intrigued by the rich traditions, customs, and cosmology of the Q'ero Nation, eager to explore and understand their shamanic practices.

Culture Enthusiasts:
Individuals who appreciate immersing themselves in the customs and traditions of diverse cultures, particularly the Q'ero Nation.

Comprehensive Training Seekers:
Those looking for a well-rounded and standalone program that comprehensively covers the foundations of shamanic practices, providing a solid base for personal and professional growth.

Preparation for Shamanic Healer Path:
Participants interested in laying the groundwork for a subsequent 9-month Apprenticeship aimed at transforming them into adept and knowledgeable shamanic healers and Initiated Earth Keepers. 

Embark on this transformative journey tailored for individuals with diverse backgrounds,
united by a shared passion for healing, personal growth, and the exploration of shamanic wisdom.