3 Shamanic Series

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3 Shamanic Series

All Three Shamanic Series

18 On Demand Zoom Sessions Including:

The Q'ero Shamans: The Q'ero Nations People are the direct descendants of the Incas. When the Conquistadors arrived in the Sacred Valley the Q'eros took up to the higher grounds and established their villages at 16-18,000Ft There they preserved their language, their culture, and the magic of their healers. As the Q'eros returned to the Sacred Valley in the late 60's they share with all of us in the modern world their ways of being. 

These teachings are profound and absolutely applicable in everyday life. See how you can know more about yourself, your life and how you can engage in a whole new way in order to access your optimal state of being and YOUR EXTRAORDINARY LIFE! 

Sacred Shamanic Circles: Humans have been gathering in circles around the fire for millennia. It is an ancient way that has allowed us to survive as a species. When we gather in circle we have the safe space to make changes in our life. We can feel the support and the resources our circle offers to us and thus gather the courage to make the changes in our life. 

Acceptance, Admiration and Affection are the three pillars we use in order to create our Sacred Shamanic Circles.  

Shamanic Journeys: Journeys are the heart shamanic work as they allow us to access our own subconscious and make changes in the deeper layers of our self. When we journey we can change neuron pathways and patterns which will allow for change to happen in our life. At same time the shamans explain that we are making allies on the spirit world and they are helping us in the spirit realm on a karmic level. 

When we are in conversation with our allies through shamanic journeys we can make bigger changes on all levels! 

1 - Opening Sacred Space 
2 - Power Animal
3 - Your Spirit Guide / Ally 
4 - Serpent Journey - Underworld 
5 - Jaguar Journey - Middle World 
6 - Condor Journey - Upper World

Total due $149

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