The 7 Foundations of Incan Shamanism

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The 7 Foundations of Incan Shamanism

The 7 Foundations of Incan Shamanism Online Certification

In this on demand training you will learn shamanic tools from the lineage of the Q'ero Nation of the Andes in Peru.

The Q'eros are direct descendants of the Inca Shamans and have preserved this knowledge for more than 1,000 years. Ray has apprenticed with two world-renowned elder shamans, Don Sebastian Paucar Flores and Don Francisco Apaza Flores. Ray has received from them three levels of initiations. The Pampo Mesaiok, Alto Mesaiok and Kuraq Q'awaq, which translates as visionary, The elders call Ray "the bridge" and  have asked him to share this knowledge with the world. 

Congratulations, you are embarking on this life changing training! 

Along with your Registration  

This pre-recorded course offers a deep study into the ancient practices of the shamans with a scientific and historical understanding of how to apply these teachings in today's reality. It will provide you the foundation of the Inca cosmology and four shamanic tools that will empower you to offer a shamanic healing session with confidence and ease.

You will receive:

  • Seven 1-hour videos of Ray's teachings 
  • One bonus session
  • Supportive handouts and practices that are accessible immediately upon registration
  • A training course designed for you to learn at your own pace without time constraints
  • Amazing footage of the Sacred Valley, the Amazon Jungle and the Q'ero shamans

Total due $499

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