The Eight Treasures

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Organ Cleanse Guided Meditation



The Eight Treasures Part Two (5 - 8)

A beautiful compliment to The Eight Treasures 1 - 4. In this 6-week live and on demand series, Nina guides you through treasures 5 through 8. The live series is every Thursday beginning on March 3, 2022. If you can't make it live, no problem! You will have access to each of the recordings.


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The Eight Treasures

The Eight Treasures with Nina Crist


Divine Skeletal Alignment + Energy Body Balance

In this pre-recorded 6-session series, you will explore the first four of eight treasures.

Each posture offers both physical and energetic support to your mind, body and soul. The entire sequence has deep and long lasting effects in supporting a healthy flow of prana throughout your entire being.

Treasure 1: Sustaining Heaven with Both Hands to Adjust the Three Warmers

Opens your energy lines and creates internal heat

Treasure 2: Drawing the Bow with Both Hands to Aim at a Distant Target

Offers support to your cerebral, immune and heart/lung systems

Treasure 3: Raising the Hands to Adjust the Stomach and Spleen

Benefits your digestive, elimination and metabolic systems

Treasure 4: Swaying the Spinal Column to Take Away Heart Fire

Tonifies your spine, spinal cord, and skeletal structure

Total due $99

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